May my creative expressions always be at the service of love and respect for everything that is part of the cosmos.

about my work

I have always been captivated by the magical worlds of stories and myths told by grandparents. As a guardian of this fabric woven from words seeped in knowledge, I watch for glimpses of it in paintings, illustrations and ceramics that I might pass it along to the generations which follow.

I was born in Quito, Ecuador and completed my bachelor’s degree in Applied Anthropology there at the Politecnica Salesiana University. My interests in holistic well-being and liberal arts education led me to explore the fine arts and crafts of different cultures. I immerse myself within their narrative seeking the shared invisible points of departure and arrival.

The materials I use have become a principal part of my practice. The process of transforming a piece of rock into pigment is a manifestation of our connection with the primordial. My most recent works comprise an immersion in the realm of miniature painting using ink and watercolours.

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